No two people are alike. Even if your child looks exactly like you and has many habits that you did/do, you know he is going to be a different person from you. Likewise, your kids are going to be totally different from each other even if they are twins.
Every child has a unique personality and his own individuality. The key to raising happy kids is to celebrate this individuality. Do you do it? If you expect your child to be like you or keep telling him stories about how you were at his age, you don’t. Let’s see what you can do to change that.
- Don’t ever, ever compare your child with anyone else. It could be his sibling, the neighbor, his classmates, your childhood self, or someone on TV. If there are lessons to be taught, consider every incident as a separate case and teach your child based on his learning preferences. Telling him that he should react in a certain way because someone else did will make him question his decisiveness.
- Make a list of all the good traits your child possesses. When times get frustrating because of his individuality, you can go through this list to remind yourself of his talents and preferences. This list will also help you appreciate him more.
- Stop worrying about what people will say or are already saying. You understand your child better than anyone else and no one should make you feel like you aren’t doing enough for him.
- Children try various things before they realize their true interests. Encourage them to pursue various things and don’t be biased towards the violin just because you are a violinist. 🙂
- Don’t push your choices on him. If he likes a T-shirt, let him buy it regardless of whether you like its color. As long as it isn’t obnoxious, let his tastes blossom.
- Set role models but don’t expect your child to do exactly as the role model does. Role models, especially for children with special needs, help. Kids feel like they have someone they can look up to and draw inspiration from. That’s a good thing. It also ensures they are the only ones with a particular shortcoming.
- Take some time off for yourself. You need to let off the steam once in a while to be able to see things clearly. Remember, it is totally okay to take time off. You deserve it!
I totally understand how difficult it can be for you as a parent to accept that your child will probably never mold into a mini-version of you. However, the frustration is small price to pay if it helps your child grow into a happy, successful, and confident individual.
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